Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Genuine Work-At-Home Opportunity

Genuine Work-At-Home Opportunity

If you spend a lot of time at home and you have a computer and high speed internet and you have been wondering about making money from home, this is the opportunity you have been waiting for!

Yes – I am the author of this ad which has been all over Facebook, Twitter and many other internet sites and yes, it is for real. MXM is looking for 200 people to work from their home on a predictive dialer.


2 Hot Job Offers - $8 to $20/hour - work from home - no selling - read script and transfer - Go to and register - Need about 180 more today!! I also need CLOSERS - Sales experience and track record required. Utah County-call J.B. at 801-341-0329.

We are a marketing company looking for people who want to make money from home and are motivated to do so. And it is NOT selling – just reading a short script and asking a few questions. You will be talking to people who have indicated an interest in building a successful home based business. When they say “Yes” a few times you will transfer them to our closers in our call center. They will do the selling and the closing.

On the website you will register and it could take us up to 24 hours to process you in our system and get back to you with your login information. All of the downloads, training information and videos are on the website. It should take you about 20 minutes to set everything up and be ready to login to the dialer and begin work.

We have quite a few people already in the system and are currently up and running. If you have questions as you go along you will be in contact with our call center through Spark, which is an instant messenger software you will be logged into.

Come and join us. You can make some good money working from home on your computer and you will be involved in a business that is growing like crazy!

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