Author: Mavis Nong on March 15th, 2010
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If you have a network marketing business, your primary goal should be to generate leads and make sales, otherwise you will not be in business for long. If you are serious about building a real long-term business, then you will need to stay away from the traditional marketing methods as they are not effective in this internet age. The internet is very powerful and can truly propel your business to the new levels, if used properly. So, the sooner you embrace the power of internet marketing, the easier it would be for you to ignite your business and rise to the top!
The internet is HUGE, it’s full of top income earners as well as “newbie” marketers – all marketing their businesses. So, you will need to use the effective internet marketing techniques so that you can be visible online, get endless leads and be found by your prospects and soon-to-be customers.
There are numerous internet marketing techniques out there – free, low-cost and paid. If you are a new internet marketer, you will feel overwhelmed not knowing which ones to use. You don’t need to master and use them all – the key is to find what works best for you.
It is common knowledge that the top income earners in this industry attribute the large part of their success to using pay per click advertising, especially Google with a great deal of traffic. It has to be said that this is the most powerful marketing method but it’s very expensive and it can suck your bank account dry if you don’t know what you’re doing. And with the current Google changes, the slaps and the account suspensions, there has never been a better time to use the free internet marketing techniques than now.
So, which ones should you use? You will need to decide on a couple of the free internet marketing techniques that match your personality, skills and time. Focus on these until you can master them, then you can add others to your marketing asernal.
Here are the top free internet marketing techniques:
1) Video marketing is very powerful as the search engines love video content and will rank your videos high in the organic (free) results. This marketing technique gives you the opportunity to earn your prospects’ trust as they can see and hear you providing valuable content. You should use the relevant keywords that people are searching on in order to attract massive traffic to your business.
2) Press releases are also favored by the search engines and can show up in the organic (free) results depending on the keywords used. They are different from articles which are about opinions and information, as they announce events. This marketing method can bring you laser-targeted prospects as people reading them are interested in a business opportunity.
3) Blogging gives you the opportunity to share your personal life, interests, business and any other information with your readers. A blog is your hub which will allow your prospects to get to know you better as people like to do business with those they like and trust. Your content can also show up in the search engines results for the keywords that you have used so that your prospects can find you.
4) Article marketing has become popular today than ever before. It’s a very effective way to drive high quality traffic to your business, if it’s executed properly. You can use this marketing strategy to establish yourself as a leader and the expert in the industry and build trust with your readers. Again, you will need to use the relevant keywords so that your content can appear in the search engines results and be found by your prospects.
5) Social media marketing is now a great way to generate exposure for your business. You need to take full advantage of this powerful media in order to attract free traffic to your business. A word of caution though: NEVER lead with your business. Focus on giving value, building relationships and trust. When you do that people will follow you, interested in what you have to offer.
So, which internet marketing methods have you decided on?… Now get back to work!
Are you tired of losing money and not getting any results in your business? Isn’t it time you got training on the free internet marketing techniques that you can use to build a profitable business?
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