Thursday, December 3, 2009

Your Success in 2010 and Beyond - 10 Steps

by Rose Mis in Better Networker - Great stuff!

In order to be successful in business ….

You have to find a need and fill it … people buy solutions to their problems...

You have to be unique…you have to be someone or have something that separates you from the competition…

And…I believe that this is the most important of all…

You have to have a certain kind of mental toughness because the difference between winning and losing in business is so small that most people don't get it and they lose JUST short of winning…

You can be doing 99% of everything right in business…

But if you miss that 1%…that winning edge…that mental toughness…it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to win.

There are no tests designed to measure what's in the heart of a man or a woman. The key to winning BIG is inside of the individual person. It is their integrity…their people skills...their character. Once they develop the winning edge…They become UNSTOPPABLE…They are force to be RECKONED WITH…They are the LEADER that people are LOOKING FOR.

Here are 10 things that I believe you need to WIN BIG in Life and Business

Get Excited. People cannot handle any more negativity. They can't handle any more wimps and whiners. 90% of the population can stay excited about something for 2-3 months and then they are done with it and on to something else. 7% of the population can stay excited for 2-3 years and then they are off to something else just before they exprience TRUE success. 3% of the population can stay excited for 20 or 30 years…however long it takes to be successful. Those are the folks that win BIG. Those are the success stories that we all hear about. These are the folks that breathe life..excitement... and enthusiasm in every person they meet and into everything they do. People LOVE being around positive...enthusiastic...excited people. Be that person and others will be drawn to you like moths to a flame.

Become a Dreamer Again. You have got to have a great big fat dream that lights you up like the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center. It has to be so vivid that whenever you think about it your heart starts pounding in your chest. It's the dream that keeps you awake at night trying to figure out how you are going to make it happen. If you don't have a dream like this you are dead in the water when things get tough. You will have nothing to keep you moving forward and you will quit. Make your dreams so real for yourself that you have no choice but to become the you of your dreams.

Feel GOOD About Yourself. You have got to OBLITERATE the words I CAN'T from your vocabulary. You have got to bury them and let them rest in peace. They can never fall from your lips again..they can never enter your mind again. When you banish those words of lack and limitation from your vocabulary and your mind … YOU CAN DO ANYTHING…YOU BECOME UNSTOPPABLE

Stand For Something. People are fed up with wishy-washy lookie-loos…fence sitters. People are looking for…they are demanding honest LEADERS with integrity to step up and reveal themselves…to LEAD. People are tired of the con artists…the shills who are willing to sell any kind of junk just to make a buck. People are clamoring for honesty. When you step up and stand for something, when you speak with integrity and honesty…the right people will hear you and flock to you. You become the leader that they have been searching for.

Get Used To Being Controversial. You have got to be controversial. When everyone is zigging…you need to zagging. If you are doing exactly what everyone else is doing you are average and ordinary. You are nothing more than mediocre. If you want everyone to like you…mediocre will do the trick just fine. When you choose to be controversial…you become extraordinary. Lot's of people won't like you. Get used to it. You CAN be awesome and tough at the same time. The RIGHT people will appreciate you for it. And they will join forces with you because you are singing a song that is music to their ears.

Get Totally Committed. You must be totally committed to what you are all about. You can't just try something out to see if it works for you. You can't become successful by dipping your big toe in the water to see if the temperature is just right. It's all or nothing. JUMP IN and SWIM. You have got to be committed to doing whatever it takes to get the job done. Commitment gives you the courage you need to fight motivate yourself when things get tough. And trust me….things will get tough. Things will not always work out the way that you want them to. Commitment gives you the strength you need to pick yourself up for the 8th time right after you have fallen flat on your butt 7 times. It gives you the strength to talk to one more person after 100 have said NO to you. It gives you the strength to learn the skills that you need to master a new piece of technology. Commitment gives you confidence…it strengthens your faith in yourself and what you are doing.

Treat People Right. You have got to treat people right. You have got to LOVE people. You have got to CARE about them. You got to be willing to get burnt once in a while so that you can show people how GREAT they really are. Everyone wants to be SOMEBODY. Everyone wants to know that they are IMPORTANT. Everyone wants to know that they are VALUABLE. Everyone wants to be APPRECIATED. When you choose to speak a person's GREATNESS INTO THEM. When you choose to show someone just how IMPORTANT THEY ARE, you just became the miracle that they are looking for.

Have The Right Priorities. You have to have the right priorities. You are a holistic being. Your life must be in balance. Tunnel vision doesn't cut it. If you have a lousy spiritual life…or a lousy personal life…ultimately your business will pay the price for your imbalance. YOU are your business. If you are not thriving personally or spiritually…it will show up in your business sooner or later. The healthier you are…the healthier your business is. Take the time to work on all areas of your life. Your business will thrive becaue of it.

Have The Heart of a Champion. You have got to have the heart of a champion. The desire and will to win is EVERYTHING. You have got to get FIRED UP and STAY FIRED UP. You are here to make a difference with your life. You have got to be willing to pay the price and a little bit more that success demands of you to win. You have got to be mentally tough and you can never…ever quit. QUITTERS NEVER WIN and WINNERS NEVER QUIT.

Be A Leader. You have got to be a leader. Leadership is EVERYTHING. This world desperately needs leaders. Leaders make things happen…they JUST DO IT. "Almost" is a lifestyle for most people…I almost did this….I almost did that… Winners DO IT…Leaders DO IT. They do whatever it takes to get the job done…they do whatever it takes to win. They roll up their sleeves..they hunker down and they just do it…and do it..and do it..and do it…until the job gets done !! Get rid of the excuses… get rid of the I can'ts…banish the I don't want to's…and just DO IT.

I would love to hear your thoughts on what you believe it takes to be successful in both life and business. We are going into the SECOND decade of 21st century and I am sure that everyone has a suggestion or two about what they think are the most powerful attributes of success. So, take a minute to comment and share with everyone else !! I am grateful for all of your feedback !!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Manifesting & Law of Attraction 101

This is LONG but it was too good not to share - GREAT stuff!

Copyright © 2008 Hemal Radia

1. You’re allowed to want what you want, your desires are the Universe’s too, it manifests THROUGH you
2. Every desire has the mechanics (‘How’) of its fulfilment, just like in every seed there is a tree, the mechanics are in the desire
3. The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the Universe, many other laws are corollaries from it
4. When you launch a desire your job is to get up to speed with it, by lining up to it vibrationally
5. You line up to a desire by lining your beliefs (thoughts, emotions etc) up with it
6. When you are lined up the Universe will orchestrate the synchronicities and the ‘How’ for the attainment of what you want
7. Focus on the energy flow than the goal. Use your goals and desires to flow energy. Want them. Want them very much. But not so much that you pinch the energy flow (i.e. be allowing, be detached)
8. Allowing is when you are not resisting, your thoughts are lined up and allowing what you want than resisting or thinking about something contradictory to what you want
9. If your focus and attention is on what-is (how things are right now) you’ll get more of the same
10. Use your imagination and creativity to think of scenarios of what you want
11. It need only take a thought to start in the direction of what you want. You don’t have to be fully blown vibrationally lined up immediately. You just need to take a thought...
12. ...holding a thought for at least 17 seconds, without contradicting it, will attract another thought. Holding it for 34 seconds will attract another thought. 51 seconds, another thought...
13. ...once you have been focusing on something, without contradicting it, the momentum is in that direction, and you will attract thoughts faster and faster, and you will feel this emotionally improvement in feeling, depending on where you were on the vibrational scale
14. Once there is a momentum, you will vibrationally attract what you are a match to, it will manifest on a physical level
15. Manifesting can be in the form of ideas and inspiration you get, synchronicities, being at the right time/right place, etc. The Universe has an infinite number of ways, via the path of least resistance, in bringing you and your manifestation together
16. It has more possibilities than you could contemplate, and more ways of having things find their way to you than you could imagine
17. Your job is not to figure out the how, your job is to line up with what you want, the Universe will bring what you want to you via the path of least resistance
18. The more you allow, the less ‘attached’ you are to it, the more ways/quickly it can come to you
19. When you do manifesting processes or visualising, see it as a game or process rather than ‘work’. If you see it as ‘work’ (unless it feels good), it too will have a vibration. You want to have the best feeling vibration you can, whether that be about what you want and/or the process you are using

20. Sometimes people get focused on the manifesting process than the goal itself, the goal is the energy flow of what you want. They think the manifesting will solve anything and everything. It can. But ‘needing’ or ‘relying’ on it too implies a vibration of desperation, not one of faith and purity in the goal that you’re wanting
21. Whilst you are learning or ‘getting better at’ manifesting (isn’t everyone), remember to play, it doesn’t matter how 'good' or how ‘bad’ you are at it, your attention is on the 'playing', THAT'S where the energy flows from
22. Be passionate about being passionate, that’s the intention of your goals remember, what energy they flow for you
23. The Universe loves you unconditionally. It loves you so unconditionally that you don’t have to believe it loves you and it will still love you
24. You are inherently free in this Universe. You are free to think what you like and thus are free to set your vibrational tone to what you like
25. It is always about the Now. Anything you think about the present and future are all perceptions FROM THE NOW
26. Any emotion or anything you work with, get it to how you feel about it in the Now, that’s where the leverage is, rather than ‘I felt x’ about it, why are you mentioning it Now? Why does it come up Now? What is the emotion at Now?
27. When you think of your goals and if you feel uncomfortable (you can replace that word with any negative emotion) it is because there is discord between your desire and your belief, they are vibrationally apart at that moment. There is a difference between what you want and your current thoughts about it. Your job, using the techniques here, is to bridge that gap and have the manifestation
28. One way to deal with discord when thinking of your goals is to ‘soften’ the resistance/discord. So rather than thinking of the £1million you will have, start with a concept such as "money goes where attention goes" – i.e. something general which you know you are ok with believing now, and when that feels comfortable/familiar, build it up to something else, and so on to the goal....
29. Take steps, getting [vibrationally] familiar each step of the way, make the emotional journey to the goal
30. The Emotional (spiritual) journey has far far far more leverage and power than the Action (physical) journey. The physical is a manifestation of the spiritual
31. The Emotional journey is made by thinking/feeling FROM your goals, being familiar with what you want
32. Ensure your observations (your day to day thoughts/feelings) are in alignment with your goals. Visualising money and being disappointed at a bill coming through your door is not necessarily being aligned. Being grateful you have utilities and knowing there is a flow of money available to you is better
33. Downstream and Upstream are relative statements - downstream being going with the (universal) flow/path of least resistance, upstream going against it. They are relative based on where you are vibrationally. Something downstream from one perspective (from one emotion) is upstream from another, it is all relative and there is not a 'right' or 'wrong', it is based on perspective. You want to be as downstream as you can and going with your flow and feeling good
34. Don’t impose your beliefs on another. For someone who is angry it may be what they need to deal with fear or sadness and move up the vibrational scale (anger is more empowering; action oriented, fear and sadness are more). But when people tell them they shouldn’t be angry they get knocked back down to fear or sadness
35. Your greatest challenges are your greatest teachers. There is great desire and value within contrast and resistance. Contrast gives you the colours on your palette. It does not have to be ‘negative’ necessarily, contrast means variety. When there is variety and choices, preferences are born from them, and from your preferences you have your desires which you line up to
36. Resistance implies something is important to you. If you didn't care about something on some level why would you have resistance about it...
37. You can imagine anything you like. Again, there is total freedom
38. The processes and games are there to get you to think in certain directions and to line up your vibration
39. You communicate with the rest of the Universe (which is a vibrational Universe) through your vibration. When you say words to someone they will mean one thing as compared to another when your vibration is different

40. Strong desire manifests your goals more quickly, 'allowing' strong desire is very attractive
41. Appreciation is the closest vibration to 'You', the spiritual aspect of you. Your physical shell is a manifestation of the spiritual aspect of you
42. You can start with appreciating anything (even this article! :) ), and as you focus on the appreciation another thought will come along that matches, it, and another, and another, and so on....
43. Asking yourself ‘Why’ you want something can soften any resistance around it, the reasons and the motivation and the feel good soften resistance and 'Allow' it
44. There is no destiny and fate other than your beliefs about it, which lead you to offer or not offer a vibration about certain things. For example, if you believe something is your destiny your vibration will be stronger about it, if you believe it is not meant to be you may not offer a vibration about it, and perhaps instead on other things
45. With 51% momentum towards your goal it will continue in that direction. Keeping your attention on it, without contradiction, it will continue and it will build
46. The Universe is inherently positive. Even at it being neutral, it still offers you a choice (to be positive or negative), which suggests even ‘neutral’ is oriented towards the positive
47. If you are feeling negative emotions and not able to ‘feel good’ or ‘feel better’, work on feeling ‘less bad’ and so on and go from there
48. Energy flows when you are expansive with your thoughts, that’s what you use your imagination for. The processes and games are structures to use to enable this, but you don’t ‘need’ anything other than your imagination and creativity and an attitude to play, everything can come from that
49. If there is discord to a goal, consider thinking a thought that is vibrationally closer to where you are. If you do not find it easy to appreciate something, start with something you know you can appreciate and build from there
50. Practice the vibration of what you want so it feels familiar, so it’s the next logical step. Make this your dominant vibration on the subject
51. The key thing is your attention and your focus (i.e. your vibration). If you do not believe something is easy or possible, start by just ‘playing’ with the thoughts of it being possible, use frames such as ‘What if...’ and ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if....’ amongst others, and as you play with those thoughts they’ll become more familiar and more believable
52. Manifesting $10 and $10k or more are just as easy, the Universe does not distinguish - it is all the same
53. Writing is a good focuser of energy, you see your words, listen to your self talk, and feel the writing of the words, it involves your neurology
54. Lining up is about closing the gap between your desires and beliefs, where you are to where you want to be in, vibrationally
55. It’s not about ‘working hard’ or ‘pushing it’. Your flow and 'Stream' is infinite, and you start one thought at a time
56. So it’s not about ‘pushing’ to manifest faster or speed up manifesting, it’s about lining up and allowing the Stream, the Stream is infinite, it’s as fast as you allow it to go, how much are you allowing and letting it in...
57. Write out your thoughts on a subject, then note down which ones feel what (what emotions) and which feel better. And focus on those that feel better for a while (at least 17 seconds), and as you let them affect your vibration see what other thoughts come up now from this new vibrational place. This is a good way of having a connection with your thoughts and being sensitive in terms of how they feel
58. Always be working towards better feeling thoughts...
59. ...and they will lead to more

60. Dealing with clutter is another way of reducing resistance
61. Being general and ‘vague’ in statements initially can be a good way to soften what you want (less resistance), and then get more and more specific and precise. There is power in the specificity
62. It’s not necessarily about the precise goal you are visualising or thinking of, it is thinking of it that gets you in the vibrational frequency of it and you being open to attracting it or something even better
63. Everything you experience is a vibrational match
64. To let go of something take your attention away from it. Something only lingers if your attention is on it (or a vibrational match to thoughts like it) on some level
65. Energy flows where attention goes
66. If you believe in God, the Universe, or whatever, have communication about what you want. Whatever your beliefs in your divinity, if you have your vibration on what you want (or better) and it feels good - you are allowing them into your life
67. All possibilities and parallel realities are available
68. You change parallel realities by your thoughts and intention (vibration)
69. It’s about probabilities, as you change your vibration to something you are enabling the probabilities of it happening
70. When you focus on the positive aspects of something or someone you either attract more people of the same, or you draw those aspects from the people already around you
71. It’s not about money, it’s about alignment. I was talking to someone last night about the Jaguar I attracted ('How I Manifested my Car by Lining up to it Vibrationally') and he went onto talk about how money is 'needed' to have what you want. I told him it's not about money, it's about alignment of energy, alignment of your focus. Everything is about lining up the energy to what you want and then it will find you (or you will find it) through the path of least resistance, whether it be via money or whatever else
72. Think about what you want. Write 20 things that you like about it (you can extend this to 50 or 100 things or more). You are creating a positive vibration to what you want
73. Remember to milk your thoughts. So don’t just think of what you want, but think of it in a way that feels really good. If you think of what you want and there’s not much emotion to it, it suggests not a lot of desire (or resistance). Find aspects about it you really like. Think of it in different ways. Think how you can extend this to feel even better about it. Perhaps tweak the goal so it feels better, or find the aspects within it that drive you wild
74. Follow your joy....
75. are tapping into the big picture this way. You may think you have a rational/logical plan, but following your joy (which is your connection to infinite intelligence) is telling you the shortest route to where you want to be. It knows what lies ahead, how to avoid the dead ends and where the short cuts are for you to take
76. It is okay to follow your joy
77. Everything is about perspective. The only reason you feel (negative) emotions about something is because of the perspective you have about it, and in not (yet) seeing other possible perspectives
78. It is easier to change your perspective than reality
79. Changing your perspective will change your reality

80. Make a list of the things you are not complete on, whether it be with other people, things you haven’t finished or things you said you’d do. You don’t have to complete them, just get at peace with them.
81. ‘Willingness’ implies allowing. Not being willing to do something suggests an aspect of resistance possibly
82. Attaining your goals is about summoning the energy (from your desires, the stronger the desire the stronger the summoning) and allowing (closing the gap between desires and beliefs)
83. You can bridge or chain to what you want. So if you want to think something but it feels further away, you can create intermediate thoughts to think and bridge and chain to it, and practice it
84. Create scenarios and frames for yourself to play games. If you want more money imagine having £100 or £1000 (or $ ;) ) in your wallet and practice spending it. Or imagine an unlimited credit card. Or imagine having whichever car keys you like in your pocket. The idea is to practice experiencing having what you want, whether it be purchasing something that you want or doing something that you want, EXPERIENCE the FEELings, and practice them. It doesn’t matter what you have or what amount (adjust the amount if it is financial so it feels best, keep increasing it for example), the most important thing are the feelings you experience.
85. It’s never about achieving a goal, because from that goal will be a vantage point for more goals, it is a never-ending expansion, a never-ending journey. That’s what life is about and the eternal expansion of the universe. So you’ll never ‘have it’, it’s about being it and having it, the process of it. (The doing will be a consequence of those)
86. You can find photos and pictures of what you want and put them up on walls, on the desktop on your computer, bank statements, cheques (of amounts you want to have in your bank or receive) etc
87. The Universe is abundant, it has more than enough (and even more still, it is constantly expanding) for every single person on this planet and more, many times over, infinitely. In fact it is the ASKING and receiving that causes the expansion in the universe. It’s not a case of how much of the pie can I get (scarcity), but how my intentions make the pie bigger (for everyone) and thus me have more in the process too (abundance)
88. The Universe can be as abundant or as scarce as you let it be, which inherently implies it is abundant
89. What you experience in life is a REFLECTION of your thoughts. Don’t work on the reflection with your actions, work on your thoughts and your intention - you are working from Source there. There is greater leverage in working from there
90. The situations and circumstances in your life do not matter, what you offer vibrationally does. One will follow the other
91. Setting a time or deadline on goals is a way of focusing the energy. For some people the goal can appear more real (which can feel better), but don’t use time to beat yourself up or have resistance about it. Your manifestation of your goal is based on your vibration about it, not on whether you impose a time limit on it. There is no time in the Universe’s concept, it works on the level of vibration. You would only use time if it helps you lining up your vibration (and feeling good)
92. Just as the Universe is a system orchestrating itself, so is your body, with every cell responding to your vibration. When you set your vibrational tone, every cell responds to it
93. The Universe is holographic, every element contains the larger whole within it
94. Affirmations work when they impact your vibration. You can keep reaching for ‘better feeling’ affirmations. When you reach a certain level you may want to strive further so your thoughts (and you), and the feelings you flow, are always expanding. When you expand, you open up vibrational frequencies to think/feel from, enabling you to expand further
95. When you are lined up and feeling good people will love being around you, because you are also enabling their connection too
96. You cannot create in another’s reality and nor them in yours, but you can be affected in your creation by having your attention on them than on your own inner guidance and connection
97. You have more power and influence in your connection than millions, including world leaders, in their disconnection and in trying to create through only action, not vibration
98. Unconditional love is just that, no conditions, no strings. With it you are allowing them (others)/it (goals) to be who they are, and there is no resistance
99. Your body is not a vessel for your spirit, your spirit is a vessel for your body ;)
100. Abundance is not just money, abundance is much more than that. If you think of it only as money you limit the ways abundance can get to you
101. You already have everything you desire. It’s all around you, you just have to let it in