Thursday, December 3, 2009

Your Success in 2010 and Beyond - 10 Steps

by Rose Mis in Better Networker - Great stuff!

In order to be successful in business ….

You have to find a need and fill it … people buy solutions to their problems...

You have to be unique…you have to be someone or have something that separates you from the competition…

And…I believe that this is the most important of all…

You have to have a certain kind of mental toughness because the difference between winning and losing in business is so small that most people don't get it and they lose JUST short of winning…

You can be doing 99% of everything right in business…

But if you miss that 1%…that winning edge…that mental toughness…it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to win.

There are no tests designed to measure what's in the heart of a man or a woman. The key to winning BIG is inside of the individual person. It is their integrity…their people skills...their character. Once they develop the winning edge…They become UNSTOPPABLE…They are force to be RECKONED WITH…They are the LEADER that people are LOOKING FOR.

Here are 10 things that I believe you need to WIN BIG in Life and Business

Get Excited. People cannot handle any more negativity. They can't handle any more wimps and whiners. 90% of the population can stay excited about something for 2-3 months and then they are done with it and on to something else. 7% of the population can stay excited for 2-3 years and then they are off to something else just before they exprience TRUE success. 3% of the population can stay excited for 20 or 30 years…however long it takes to be successful. Those are the folks that win BIG. Those are the success stories that we all hear about. These are the folks that breathe life..excitement... and enthusiasm in every person they meet and into everything they do. People LOVE being around positive...enthusiastic...excited people. Be that person and others will be drawn to you like moths to a flame.

Become a Dreamer Again. You have got to have a great big fat dream that lights you up like the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center. It has to be so vivid that whenever you think about it your heart starts pounding in your chest. It's the dream that keeps you awake at night trying to figure out how you are going to make it happen. If you don't have a dream like this you are dead in the water when things get tough. You will have nothing to keep you moving forward and you will quit. Make your dreams so real for yourself that you have no choice but to become the you of your dreams.

Feel GOOD About Yourself. You have got to OBLITERATE the words I CAN'T from your vocabulary. You have got to bury them and let them rest in peace. They can never fall from your lips again..they can never enter your mind again. When you banish those words of lack and limitation from your vocabulary and your mind … YOU CAN DO ANYTHING…YOU BECOME UNSTOPPABLE

Stand For Something. People are fed up with wishy-washy lookie-loos…fence sitters. People are looking for…they are demanding honest LEADERS with integrity to step up and reveal themselves…to LEAD. People are tired of the con artists…the shills who are willing to sell any kind of junk just to make a buck. People are clamoring for honesty. When you step up and stand for something, when you speak with integrity and honesty…the right people will hear you and flock to you. You become the leader that they have been searching for.

Get Used To Being Controversial. You have got to be controversial. When everyone is zigging…you need to zagging. If you are doing exactly what everyone else is doing you are average and ordinary. You are nothing more than mediocre. If you want everyone to like you…mediocre will do the trick just fine. When you choose to be controversial…you become extraordinary. Lot's of people won't like you. Get used to it. You CAN be awesome and tough at the same time. The RIGHT people will appreciate you for it. And they will join forces with you because you are singing a song that is music to their ears.

Get Totally Committed. You must be totally committed to what you are all about. You can't just try something out to see if it works for you. You can't become successful by dipping your big toe in the water to see if the temperature is just right. It's all or nothing. JUMP IN and SWIM. You have got to be committed to doing whatever it takes to get the job done. Commitment gives you the courage you need to fight motivate yourself when things get tough. And trust me….things will get tough. Things will not always work out the way that you want them to. Commitment gives you the strength you need to pick yourself up for the 8th time right after you have fallen flat on your butt 7 times. It gives you the strength to talk to one more person after 100 have said NO to you. It gives you the strength to learn the skills that you need to master a new piece of technology. Commitment gives you confidence…it strengthens your faith in yourself and what you are doing.

Treat People Right. You have got to treat people right. You have got to LOVE people. You have got to CARE about them. You got to be willing to get burnt once in a while so that you can show people how GREAT they really are. Everyone wants to be SOMEBODY. Everyone wants to know that they are IMPORTANT. Everyone wants to know that they are VALUABLE. Everyone wants to be APPRECIATED. When you choose to speak a person's GREATNESS INTO THEM. When you choose to show someone just how IMPORTANT THEY ARE, you just became the miracle that they are looking for.

Have The Right Priorities. You have to have the right priorities. You are a holistic being. Your life must be in balance. Tunnel vision doesn't cut it. If you have a lousy spiritual life…or a lousy personal life…ultimately your business will pay the price for your imbalance. YOU are your business. If you are not thriving personally or spiritually…it will show up in your business sooner or later. The healthier you are…the healthier your business is. Take the time to work on all areas of your life. Your business will thrive becaue of it.

Have The Heart of a Champion. You have got to have the heart of a champion. The desire and will to win is EVERYTHING. You have got to get FIRED UP and STAY FIRED UP. You are here to make a difference with your life. You have got to be willing to pay the price and a little bit more that success demands of you to win. You have got to be mentally tough and you can never…ever quit. QUITTERS NEVER WIN and WINNERS NEVER QUIT.

Be A Leader. You have got to be a leader. Leadership is EVERYTHING. This world desperately needs leaders. Leaders make things happen…they JUST DO IT. "Almost" is a lifestyle for most people…I almost did this….I almost did that… Winners DO IT…Leaders DO IT. They do whatever it takes to get the job done…they do whatever it takes to win. They roll up their sleeves..they hunker down and they just do it…and do it..and do it..and do it…until the job gets done !! Get rid of the excuses… get rid of the I can'ts…banish the I don't want to's…and just DO IT.

I would love to hear your thoughts on what you believe it takes to be successful in both life and business. We are going into the SECOND decade of 21st century and I am sure that everyone has a suggestion or two about what they think are the most powerful attributes of success. So, take a minute to comment and share with everyone else !! I am grateful for all of your feedback !!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Manifesting & Law of Attraction 101

This is LONG but it was too good not to share - GREAT stuff!

Copyright © 2008 Hemal Radia

1. You’re allowed to want what you want, your desires are the Universe’s too, it manifests THROUGH you
2. Every desire has the mechanics (‘How’) of its fulfilment, just like in every seed there is a tree, the mechanics are in the desire
3. The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the Universe, many other laws are corollaries from it
4. When you launch a desire your job is to get up to speed with it, by lining up to it vibrationally
5. You line up to a desire by lining your beliefs (thoughts, emotions etc) up with it
6. When you are lined up the Universe will orchestrate the synchronicities and the ‘How’ for the attainment of what you want
7. Focus on the energy flow than the goal. Use your goals and desires to flow energy. Want them. Want them very much. But not so much that you pinch the energy flow (i.e. be allowing, be detached)
8. Allowing is when you are not resisting, your thoughts are lined up and allowing what you want than resisting or thinking about something contradictory to what you want
9. If your focus and attention is on what-is (how things are right now) you’ll get more of the same
10. Use your imagination and creativity to think of scenarios of what you want
11. It need only take a thought to start in the direction of what you want. You don’t have to be fully blown vibrationally lined up immediately. You just need to take a thought...
12. ...holding a thought for at least 17 seconds, without contradicting it, will attract another thought. Holding it for 34 seconds will attract another thought. 51 seconds, another thought...
13. ...once you have been focusing on something, without contradicting it, the momentum is in that direction, and you will attract thoughts faster and faster, and you will feel this emotionally improvement in feeling, depending on where you were on the vibrational scale
14. Once there is a momentum, you will vibrationally attract what you are a match to, it will manifest on a physical level
15. Manifesting can be in the form of ideas and inspiration you get, synchronicities, being at the right time/right place, etc. The Universe has an infinite number of ways, via the path of least resistance, in bringing you and your manifestation together
16. It has more possibilities than you could contemplate, and more ways of having things find their way to you than you could imagine
17. Your job is not to figure out the how, your job is to line up with what you want, the Universe will bring what you want to you via the path of least resistance
18. The more you allow, the less ‘attached’ you are to it, the more ways/quickly it can come to you
19. When you do manifesting processes or visualising, see it as a game or process rather than ‘work’. If you see it as ‘work’ (unless it feels good), it too will have a vibration. You want to have the best feeling vibration you can, whether that be about what you want and/or the process you are using

20. Sometimes people get focused on the manifesting process than the goal itself, the goal is the energy flow of what you want. They think the manifesting will solve anything and everything. It can. But ‘needing’ or ‘relying’ on it too implies a vibration of desperation, not one of faith and purity in the goal that you’re wanting
21. Whilst you are learning or ‘getting better at’ manifesting (isn’t everyone), remember to play, it doesn’t matter how 'good' or how ‘bad’ you are at it, your attention is on the 'playing', THAT'S where the energy flows from
22. Be passionate about being passionate, that’s the intention of your goals remember, what energy they flow for you
23. The Universe loves you unconditionally. It loves you so unconditionally that you don’t have to believe it loves you and it will still love you
24. You are inherently free in this Universe. You are free to think what you like and thus are free to set your vibrational tone to what you like
25. It is always about the Now. Anything you think about the present and future are all perceptions FROM THE NOW
26. Any emotion or anything you work with, get it to how you feel about it in the Now, that’s where the leverage is, rather than ‘I felt x’ about it, why are you mentioning it Now? Why does it come up Now? What is the emotion at Now?
27. When you think of your goals and if you feel uncomfortable (you can replace that word with any negative emotion) it is because there is discord between your desire and your belief, they are vibrationally apart at that moment. There is a difference between what you want and your current thoughts about it. Your job, using the techniques here, is to bridge that gap and have the manifestation
28. One way to deal with discord when thinking of your goals is to ‘soften’ the resistance/discord. So rather than thinking of the £1million you will have, start with a concept such as "money goes where attention goes" – i.e. something general which you know you are ok with believing now, and when that feels comfortable/familiar, build it up to something else, and so on to the goal....
29. Take steps, getting [vibrationally] familiar each step of the way, make the emotional journey to the goal
30. The Emotional (spiritual) journey has far far far more leverage and power than the Action (physical) journey. The physical is a manifestation of the spiritual
31. The Emotional journey is made by thinking/feeling FROM your goals, being familiar with what you want
32. Ensure your observations (your day to day thoughts/feelings) are in alignment with your goals. Visualising money and being disappointed at a bill coming through your door is not necessarily being aligned. Being grateful you have utilities and knowing there is a flow of money available to you is better
33. Downstream and Upstream are relative statements - downstream being going with the (universal) flow/path of least resistance, upstream going against it. They are relative based on where you are vibrationally. Something downstream from one perspective (from one emotion) is upstream from another, it is all relative and there is not a 'right' or 'wrong', it is based on perspective. You want to be as downstream as you can and going with your flow and feeling good
34. Don’t impose your beliefs on another. For someone who is angry it may be what they need to deal with fear or sadness and move up the vibrational scale (anger is more empowering; action oriented, fear and sadness are more). But when people tell them they shouldn’t be angry they get knocked back down to fear or sadness
35. Your greatest challenges are your greatest teachers. There is great desire and value within contrast and resistance. Contrast gives you the colours on your palette. It does not have to be ‘negative’ necessarily, contrast means variety. When there is variety and choices, preferences are born from them, and from your preferences you have your desires which you line up to
36. Resistance implies something is important to you. If you didn't care about something on some level why would you have resistance about it...
37. You can imagine anything you like. Again, there is total freedom
38. The processes and games are there to get you to think in certain directions and to line up your vibration
39. You communicate with the rest of the Universe (which is a vibrational Universe) through your vibration. When you say words to someone they will mean one thing as compared to another when your vibration is different

40. Strong desire manifests your goals more quickly, 'allowing' strong desire is very attractive
41. Appreciation is the closest vibration to 'You', the spiritual aspect of you. Your physical shell is a manifestation of the spiritual aspect of you
42. You can start with appreciating anything (even this article! :) ), and as you focus on the appreciation another thought will come along that matches, it, and another, and another, and so on....
43. Asking yourself ‘Why’ you want something can soften any resistance around it, the reasons and the motivation and the feel good soften resistance and 'Allow' it
44. There is no destiny and fate other than your beliefs about it, which lead you to offer or not offer a vibration about certain things. For example, if you believe something is your destiny your vibration will be stronger about it, if you believe it is not meant to be you may not offer a vibration about it, and perhaps instead on other things
45. With 51% momentum towards your goal it will continue in that direction. Keeping your attention on it, without contradiction, it will continue and it will build
46. The Universe is inherently positive. Even at it being neutral, it still offers you a choice (to be positive or negative), which suggests even ‘neutral’ is oriented towards the positive
47. If you are feeling negative emotions and not able to ‘feel good’ or ‘feel better’, work on feeling ‘less bad’ and so on and go from there
48. Energy flows when you are expansive with your thoughts, that’s what you use your imagination for. The processes and games are structures to use to enable this, but you don’t ‘need’ anything other than your imagination and creativity and an attitude to play, everything can come from that
49. If there is discord to a goal, consider thinking a thought that is vibrationally closer to where you are. If you do not find it easy to appreciate something, start with something you know you can appreciate and build from there
50. Practice the vibration of what you want so it feels familiar, so it’s the next logical step. Make this your dominant vibration on the subject
51. The key thing is your attention and your focus (i.e. your vibration). If you do not believe something is easy or possible, start by just ‘playing’ with the thoughts of it being possible, use frames such as ‘What if...’ and ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if....’ amongst others, and as you play with those thoughts they’ll become more familiar and more believable
52. Manifesting $10 and $10k or more are just as easy, the Universe does not distinguish - it is all the same
53. Writing is a good focuser of energy, you see your words, listen to your self talk, and feel the writing of the words, it involves your neurology
54. Lining up is about closing the gap between your desires and beliefs, where you are to where you want to be in, vibrationally
55. It’s not about ‘working hard’ or ‘pushing it’. Your flow and 'Stream' is infinite, and you start one thought at a time
56. So it’s not about ‘pushing’ to manifest faster or speed up manifesting, it’s about lining up and allowing the Stream, the Stream is infinite, it’s as fast as you allow it to go, how much are you allowing and letting it in...
57. Write out your thoughts on a subject, then note down which ones feel what (what emotions) and which feel better. And focus on those that feel better for a while (at least 17 seconds), and as you let them affect your vibration see what other thoughts come up now from this new vibrational place. This is a good way of having a connection with your thoughts and being sensitive in terms of how they feel
58. Always be working towards better feeling thoughts...
59. ...and they will lead to more

60. Dealing with clutter is another way of reducing resistance
61. Being general and ‘vague’ in statements initially can be a good way to soften what you want (less resistance), and then get more and more specific and precise. There is power in the specificity
62. It’s not necessarily about the precise goal you are visualising or thinking of, it is thinking of it that gets you in the vibrational frequency of it and you being open to attracting it or something even better
63. Everything you experience is a vibrational match
64. To let go of something take your attention away from it. Something only lingers if your attention is on it (or a vibrational match to thoughts like it) on some level
65. Energy flows where attention goes
66. If you believe in God, the Universe, or whatever, have communication about what you want. Whatever your beliefs in your divinity, if you have your vibration on what you want (or better) and it feels good - you are allowing them into your life
67. All possibilities and parallel realities are available
68. You change parallel realities by your thoughts and intention (vibration)
69. It’s about probabilities, as you change your vibration to something you are enabling the probabilities of it happening
70. When you focus on the positive aspects of something or someone you either attract more people of the same, or you draw those aspects from the people already around you
71. It’s not about money, it’s about alignment. I was talking to someone last night about the Jaguar I attracted ('How I Manifested my Car by Lining up to it Vibrationally') and he went onto talk about how money is 'needed' to have what you want. I told him it's not about money, it's about alignment of energy, alignment of your focus. Everything is about lining up the energy to what you want and then it will find you (or you will find it) through the path of least resistance, whether it be via money or whatever else
72. Think about what you want. Write 20 things that you like about it (you can extend this to 50 or 100 things or more). You are creating a positive vibration to what you want
73. Remember to milk your thoughts. So don’t just think of what you want, but think of it in a way that feels really good. If you think of what you want and there’s not much emotion to it, it suggests not a lot of desire (or resistance). Find aspects about it you really like. Think of it in different ways. Think how you can extend this to feel even better about it. Perhaps tweak the goal so it feels better, or find the aspects within it that drive you wild
74. Follow your joy....
75. are tapping into the big picture this way. You may think you have a rational/logical plan, but following your joy (which is your connection to infinite intelligence) is telling you the shortest route to where you want to be. It knows what lies ahead, how to avoid the dead ends and where the short cuts are for you to take
76. It is okay to follow your joy
77. Everything is about perspective. The only reason you feel (negative) emotions about something is because of the perspective you have about it, and in not (yet) seeing other possible perspectives
78. It is easier to change your perspective than reality
79. Changing your perspective will change your reality

80. Make a list of the things you are not complete on, whether it be with other people, things you haven’t finished or things you said you’d do. You don’t have to complete them, just get at peace with them.
81. ‘Willingness’ implies allowing. Not being willing to do something suggests an aspect of resistance possibly
82. Attaining your goals is about summoning the energy (from your desires, the stronger the desire the stronger the summoning) and allowing (closing the gap between desires and beliefs)
83. You can bridge or chain to what you want. So if you want to think something but it feels further away, you can create intermediate thoughts to think and bridge and chain to it, and practice it
84. Create scenarios and frames for yourself to play games. If you want more money imagine having £100 or £1000 (or $ ;) ) in your wallet and practice spending it. Or imagine an unlimited credit card. Or imagine having whichever car keys you like in your pocket. The idea is to practice experiencing having what you want, whether it be purchasing something that you want or doing something that you want, EXPERIENCE the FEELings, and practice them. It doesn’t matter what you have or what amount (adjust the amount if it is financial so it feels best, keep increasing it for example), the most important thing are the feelings you experience.
85. It’s never about achieving a goal, because from that goal will be a vantage point for more goals, it is a never-ending expansion, a never-ending journey. That’s what life is about and the eternal expansion of the universe. So you’ll never ‘have it’, it’s about being it and having it, the process of it. (The doing will be a consequence of those)
86. You can find photos and pictures of what you want and put them up on walls, on the desktop on your computer, bank statements, cheques (of amounts you want to have in your bank or receive) etc
87. The Universe is abundant, it has more than enough (and even more still, it is constantly expanding) for every single person on this planet and more, many times over, infinitely. In fact it is the ASKING and receiving that causes the expansion in the universe. It’s not a case of how much of the pie can I get (scarcity), but how my intentions make the pie bigger (for everyone) and thus me have more in the process too (abundance)
88. The Universe can be as abundant or as scarce as you let it be, which inherently implies it is abundant
89. What you experience in life is a REFLECTION of your thoughts. Don’t work on the reflection with your actions, work on your thoughts and your intention - you are working from Source there. There is greater leverage in working from there
90. The situations and circumstances in your life do not matter, what you offer vibrationally does. One will follow the other
91. Setting a time or deadline on goals is a way of focusing the energy. For some people the goal can appear more real (which can feel better), but don’t use time to beat yourself up or have resistance about it. Your manifestation of your goal is based on your vibration about it, not on whether you impose a time limit on it. There is no time in the Universe’s concept, it works on the level of vibration. You would only use time if it helps you lining up your vibration (and feeling good)
92. Just as the Universe is a system orchestrating itself, so is your body, with every cell responding to your vibration. When you set your vibrational tone, every cell responds to it
93. The Universe is holographic, every element contains the larger whole within it
94. Affirmations work when they impact your vibration. You can keep reaching for ‘better feeling’ affirmations. When you reach a certain level you may want to strive further so your thoughts (and you), and the feelings you flow, are always expanding. When you expand, you open up vibrational frequencies to think/feel from, enabling you to expand further
95. When you are lined up and feeling good people will love being around you, because you are also enabling their connection too
96. You cannot create in another’s reality and nor them in yours, but you can be affected in your creation by having your attention on them than on your own inner guidance and connection
97. You have more power and influence in your connection than millions, including world leaders, in their disconnection and in trying to create through only action, not vibration
98. Unconditional love is just that, no conditions, no strings. With it you are allowing them (others)/it (goals) to be who they are, and there is no resistance
99. Your body is not a vessel for your spirit, your spirit is a vessel for your body ;)
100. Abundance is not just money, abundance is much more than that. If you think of it only as money you limit the ways abundance can get to you
101. You already have everything you desire. It’s all around you, you just have to let it in

Monday, July 20, 2009

Big Changes For Me

About a month ago, I was told about the phenomenon called MXM - a professional marketing company building a matrix unlike anything I had heard of in 35 years of network marketing. They are building a global forced community matrix that can be duplicated in one home based business MLM company after another. I signed up almost immediately - THEN went to a meeting to hear their presentation!!

After the meeting, hearing the whole presentation and seeing the call center, I went up to David Griffiths, who heads up MXM and said "I want a job." And he said "You are hired - when can you start?"

Since real estate has been pretty slow since my surgery in January and my GMAC real estate office folding, I decided I could learn some things about marketing and prospecting and get paid for it.

What we do is help people build a home based business and start them out with a business in a box. We start with a HBB (home based business) with all of the help and information they need to set up their business in their home. The 2nd part is a new concept in marketing where we start them out with their own marketing rep. The marketing rep guides them thru what WE do and what THEY need to do to market their home based business. We do ask them for referrals and we do all the calling, presenting, signing up and training for them.

They get a personalized website, banners, splash pages and lead capture pages and the help and guidance they need to help market their new home based business.

In addition, we are advertising on FaceBook, Google pay-per-click, radio, magazines, and about anyplace you can think of. A mini infomercial is in the works and will appear on over 22000 airline movies. Also, a full infomercial will debut in the fall.

We also have a call center where as many as 50,000 calls a day can be made and up to 5 million emails a week can be sent.

We currently have one home based business on board, an MLM called Kyani, a health and wellness drink that is doing great. The great thing about the matrix is that as we add additional companies, the matrix can be duplicated in a new home based business without leaving the previous company! So if you are making X amount of money in Kyani, when you and your matrix go into the new company, you are instantly making that same X amount of money in the new company and still making it in the old company.

So far it has been fun, exciting, profitable and a great learning experience. More to come!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Network Marketing

Just read this article and wanted to share - I think it is great information!

Top 10 Reasons To Choose Network Marketing
Network marketing and traditional companies are similar in some
ways. Network marketing is also responsible for $110 billion in
global sales each year. That is more than the global sales for
Coca-Cola, FedEx, General Dynamics, and Microsoft combined.

View the top ten reasons why network marketing is better to be a
part of than any job, career, business, or investment company.

1. Low-to-No Financial Risk
You can start your own business for less than a few hundred dollars.

2. Be Your Own Boss
Nothing is more liberating than working for yourself, when and where you want.

3. Superior Quality Products
Innovative high in demand products or services. Unlimited market potential.

4. Impressive Tax Advantages
Tax savings from a home base business could legally put thousands in your pocket.

5. No Restrictions
There are no set hours or commuting, no employees or high overhead.

6. International Sales
An expanding global market, the sun will never set on your business.

7. Open To All
Anyone can do this business, regardless of age, sex, race, education or experience.

8. In-Dept Training/Support
You receive training that produces high levels of personal and professional growth.

9. Immediate Income
A very real opportunity to earn an income, both par-time or full-time career.

10. Freedom
You could be living the lifestyle of a Millionaire without the burdens. Your time/life is your own

The field of network marketing has created more Millionaires, and many Billionaires. It is truly the route to take if you are looking for financial freedom.

Don't let this recession stop you from owning your life!

All the best,

Rena Williams
Success Mentor

Friday, June 12, 2009

Insight on Social Media

Just listened to and watched a video from Allan Galang and he said some very interesting things about social media that I want to share:

Rules To Social Networking/Advertising

NEVER, EVER, EVER Sign up just to start pushing your product or business. New rules have been applied to social networking sites that if you begin to solicit your businesses through their venues, those social sites will quickly terminate you and not allow you to come back. Heed My Warning! No spamming / selling!

If you want to succeed in attracting prospects from social networking sites always remember to…

1) Create your accounts with the expectation you’re out there to meet like minded people who want and need the same advantages as you do and are set out to succeed in the same field as you’ve chosen.

2) Add new friends in similar fields as you while taking part in group discussions, giving away great knowledge and value which you’ve gained from your experiences as a network marketer.

3) Use this process over several weeks to help people understand you, like you, trust you, and recognize you as a leader in your field as someone who they can depend on and go to for information and advise.

4) Watch for group reactions. If people are starting to add you as a friend, if they’re starting to come to you for questions, advise, if they start including you in new groups, then you know you’re on the right track to learning how to increase your ability to attract people into your life and company.

If on the other hand, people start rejecting you, if they start ignoring you, or erase you from their friends list in the masses. If just one or two people remove you from their contact list that's OK. But if a whole team of people leave you, then you need to recognize why and know the image you're creating for yourself probably isn’t a very pleasant one.

You’ll need to make adjustments to your style of communication to ensure your learning to become a People Magnet, not a people deterrent.

Once you’ve established a likable image for yourself after several weeks to your 1st month, then feel free to offer your opportunity. But do it in a way that’s very subtle.

What I to do is offer my businesses during certain conversations where I find an opening which allows me to use my business as an example or as a tool to help people achieve their own goals.

For example, one of my businesses sells high end information on investing using financial strategies. For weeks all I did was get to know people in my social networking sites and shared advise and info with them that could support their quest for attaining their goals.
What I'm About To Share Can Happen For You Too… Trust Me.

Then one day, I received a message from an online friend telling me he was deciding to leave his networking business because of challenges he had with the owners, and wanted my advise about what other opportunities could really help him succeed.

I simply suggest that he check out my investing business and I gave him some very simple, short sweet and to the point reasons as to why I thought this might be a good fit for him.

Long story short, he barely checked out the company, and decided to come work with me. He brought a small group of 4 people with him and we all started working together without spending so much time trying to convince him my company was the greatest possible option (as many other network marketers do on a regular basis).

Total Investment Time: 25 minutes (writing the reply message)
Total Income Earned: $2,500.00 ($500/Sale x 5 new members)
Total Advertising Cost: $0

Clearly this doesn’t happen all the time, but it DOES happen. The reason why he chose to get involved so quickly was because we had established a strong trust with each other over a period of several months, talking back and forth, sharing ideas and strategies with each other without pushing our networking companies down each others throats.

Would you like to have people like you and trust you with their time and money that easily? If you want them to, you can. But you have to earn it, by learning to add value to your relationships with them 1st, before you ever expect them to pull anything out of their pocket for you.

Another way to offer your networking business after building some relationships with your friends list, is to suggest or “offer” your opportunity to them if you feel your company has an advantage that others do not offer.

For example, one of my advertising students is involved in a home business where the company actually gives you free leads on the company expense which you can use to profit from, just as long as you hit a certain level in the company.

A really simple method of “offering” your company in a non pushy / non threatening way is to jump on a group message board and forum and say….

Hey guys, here’s a company I found that gives you a free advertising tool that actually gives you # prospects every single week on the company tab. All you have to do is hit _ _ _ level in the company compensation plan and prospects get dumped on your lap for as long as you’re with them. Check this out:

See how simple and easy that was? As long as people like you and trust you, they’ll check out almost anything you send them. If they don’t know you, or worse, don’t trust you, then you might as well be selling door to door soap boxes hoping to make a buck because no one’s going to take part with you if they can’t see any value in you or what you want to share.


Practice these methods over the next 30 - 60 days, and don’t be shocked if you end up with over 5,000 new friends and potential members as many of us have from using this amazing resource.

What's the CORE of building any LARGE business organization?

Strong - Reliable - Relationships

Monday, June 8, 2009

Great Stuff from Marlon Sanders

Are You Too Busy Earning a Living to Make Any Real Money?

Subtitle: The wisest man I ever met told me something
I’ll never forget

By Marlon Sanders

Joe Karbo wrote this question in a famous ad many years

Are you too busy earning a living to make any money?

See, Joe was one of the originals to discover the real
secret of the direct response marketing business.

If you’re working hard, it means you’re trading your time
for dollars. Since there’s a limit on your time, there’s a
limit on your dollars.

It’s the problem I have with the way a LOT of people teach
what they call “Internet marketing.” Really, all they do
is trade time for MORE dollars.


Because they don’t really do Internet marketing. They do
sales pitches on webinars, teleseminars and from the
stage. Which is all fine and dandy — if you know how to
automate it.

But if you’re just slaving away trading time for dollars,
even if it’s more dollars, you’re STILL in the TRAP.

Have you ever wondered why so many gurus and Internet
marketers spring up one day as an overnight success then
just as quickly fade away into oblivion?

That’s because they work within the TRAP and have never
discovered how to get OUT of the fundamental time for
dollars trap.

I’m going to be the first to admit there ARE Internet
marketers who put more in the bank month in and out than I
do. Why? Because almost without fail, they’re working
really hard for that money.

They’re still IN the TRAP.

And here they are pretending to get others out of the trap
when they’re still IN it.

Others say that the only way to get out of the TRAP is to
get a big office, lots of overhead and lots of employees.

Since 1996, I ran this business from home. I have a small,
relatively modest office now, and it’s 2X or 3X the size I
really need.

It’s true that you can work your tail end off and make a
zillion dollars on a launch. But it took 3-6 months of
hard labor before the launch and another 3-6 months AFTER
the launch.

That’s nothing but a glorified job.

Every day there’s a new Johnny-Come-Lately with glowing
screen caps blaring out massive numbers with some new
method. Now, apart from the questionable legalities of
what is often done, notice how these people also tend to
vanish off the face of the earth after a year or so.

I’ve been doing my “Amazing Formula” of online marketing
since 1998, and really before then on AOL and Compuserve
using my early beta methods of the Formula.

Do You Want Out Of The Trap Of Having
To Trade Your Time For Dollars?

Whether you have a “real” job or your home business IS a
job, sucking up all your time, I’m the only person I know
who has proven my “Amazing Formula” for personal freedom,
income and success over time works — because I’ve been
LIVING IT since before many “gurus” even knew about
Internet marketing.

Gosh, some of them were 12 years old when I started doing
this full time.

Here are my 7 steps to get out of the time for dollars

1. You’re either at the top of the food chain or the

I’ve been teaching and preaching this since 1998 and
before. See, you either own your own products, software
programs, iphone apps, membership sites and intellectual
property that OTHERS sell.

Or you sell products FOR others.

I’m probably the ONLY person who consistently for years
and years has steadfastly advocated that you get on the
side of the coin where you’re the one with the products
that OTHERS sell.

It’s cost me money in some ways to teach and preach this.

Because many of my top affiliates “got it” and went on to
become famous gurus in their own right. In the past, my
top affiliates have included Russ Brunson, Ewen Chia, Mike
Mertz, Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill, Jim Edwards, Yanik
Silver — and many others.

Now obviously, while I’d LIKE to take credit for their
success, I can’t. But I’d like to think that consistently
hammering home my theme over and over of create and sell
your own products has had an influence.

I’m all for being an affiliate to learn the Internet
marketing game. But at some point, you need to climb the
food chain and be on top, not on bottom.

A lady the other day wrote my customer support and asked
what the credibility was behind Amazing Formula. How about
the fact that it was selling $200,000 a year+ before most
gurus were gurus.

I had to chuckle.

How about the fact that many of the top gurus were once my
top affiliates and affiliates for Amazing Formula?

Then on rare occasion someone will say, “Well, what’s
Marlon done since Amazing Formula?” This doesn’t happen
often. It’s more like behind closed doors with a few
insecure, jealous wannabe gurus.

Uhhh, I guess they forget about creating a whole genre of
software with Push Button Letters. They forget I created
the 2-page web site model with Gimme My Money Now. They
forget I created the first product on how to create big
tickets (

They forget about our highly innovative Dashboard line,
including Marketing Dashboard, Product Dashboard, Design
Dashboard and Promo Dashboard.

I’ve innovated so many things in this industry I forget
about half of them. There are some people who think that
the ONLY marketers who are worth anything are those who do
big product launches. But your real players realize that a
LOT of those launches don’t NET what they GROSS.

And if you’re working your tail end off to DO the launch,
you’re STILL in the time for dollars trap!

It’s NOT how many people promote your offer.

It’s NOT what you gross because after affiliate
commissions, product fulfillment, refunds and chargebacks,
that net often quickly diminishes.

It’s NOT about bragging rights to the biggest launch.

It’s about the lifestyle. Do you trade time for dollars or
products? Do you wear a watch or don’t you?

I laugh about a lot of this stuff because it’s so
blatantly obvious to me. You know, I’m at Starbucks
drinking ice tea, shopping at the mall, hanging out
reading in bookstores, talking to friends on the phone,
and doing other things I enjoy while they’re slaving away
trying HARD to be this big celebrity.

That’s what I call working hard for a living. It’s a
well-paying job but still a job.

2. You either trade time for dollars or products

I don’t care if your products are Facebook apps, iPhone
apps, membership sites, stuff you sell on ebay, ebooks,
cd’s, dvd’s, coaching programs, or physically delivered

You still have to trade something for dollars OTHER than
your time.

3. If you’re spending all your time selling other people’s
products, then you’re STILL trading your time for dollars.

Hardly anyone has the guts to be honest about this.
Because the moment you’re honest about it, you cut your
own throat a bit.

Why? Because basically I’m telling my own resellers that
ultimately they’re best served by creating their own
products and affiliate base. So I’m in the business of
making my affiliates very successful but at some point
they aren’t my affiliates any longer.

So many people will gloss over this truth. I choose not

4. Nothing happens until someone sells something

We’re in the SALES business. Yes, we get our leads and
prospective buyers mostly on the Internet. Yes, parts of
it are automated. But at the end of the day, this is NOT
some highly complicated business.

We get or create products.

We create sales presentations that show people how it’ll
benefit them if they trade their money for our products.

Then we encapsulate those sales presentations in Power
Point videos, podcasts, blog posts, teleseminars,
webinars, stage presentations or sales letters.

It’s ALL a sales presentation or sales MESSAGE. Do you get
that? The SAME formula I taught in Amazing Formula back in
1998 or 1999 is the SAME formula that STILL sells like

Only difference is, now you can do it in webinars, Youtube
videos, Ustream presentations, podcasts and so forth.

Or, in the case of a product launch, you post it
sequentially to a blog. But it’s STILL the same basic
sales process and sequence.

It ALL boils down to a sales message.

And you know what? You’ll find out there are ONLY 12 steps
to such a message. And it’s easier, faster and simpler to
learn and do than you quite possibly think.

It’s more PRACTICE than anything. And if there’s any
bugaboo that holds people back in this business it’s fear
of practicing at delivering a sales message because it
might not work. Then they’d feel like a failure!

That’s got NOTHING to do with it.

If the sales message doesn’t work, you change the message
and who you’re delivering to. One or both. This isn’t
rocket science!

Sheez. See, people have a huge VESTED interest in making
themselves and their processes out to be rocket science
because that substantiates big prices. Which is a great
sales tactic.

But the TRUTH is, you create and deliver sales messages
using a 12-step formula. It works or it doesn’t work. If
it doesn’t, you change or tweak it. Or find someone else
to deliver the message to.

Where? Wherever they hang out. That’s where. You can quote
me on this bit of rocket science here:

You fish where the fish are.

If they don’t bite, you change the bait. The message. I
make this HUGELY clear in Amazing Formula. Some people
don’t get that. A few. Not a lot. But a few people think
it needs to be all rocket science and stuff with 45,000
flow charts that are really super duper impressive.

Surely it can’t be as simple as a 12-step formula, can it?

This is not a complicated business. People make this thing
complex to get people to spend more money. Which isn’t a
bad sales tactic. But let’s get real here.

We find or create products.

We create sale messages.

We then DELIVER those sales messages via:

a. Email
b. Teleseminars
c. Webinars
d. Sales letters
e. Blog posts
f. Online videos
g. DVD’s
h. Power Point
i. Ustream events
j. 1-on-1 “strategy” sessions

But do I need some whole new sales message because I’m
delivering it via a teleseminar vs. posting it in chunks
on my blog or delivering it in a PDF or series of online

It’s the SAME message!

The delivery vehicle changes. But 90% or more of that
message is the same.

This business is ALL about the sales message. It’s funny that
some people reading this right this very minute will realize
how far they’ve strayed from the truth.

How they’ve been sent on a goose chase by people who have a
vested interested in making things complex.

And the question pops into their mind, “How did Marlon freakin’
Sanders find his way back into my life?”

And the answer is that I’m a truth teller.

The answer is that I speak the essence.

We sell things.

We sell things via sales messages.

There’s a 12-step proven formula for such messages.

But the delivery changes.

5. Therefore, you need to get good at crafting sales

This is one of the “elephants in the room” you won’t hear
a lot of “gurus” talk about. Why? Because most people are
a little bit uncomfortable with or intimidated by the idea
of creating a “sales” message.

I’d rather do blog posts. I’d rather do a webinar. I’d
rather have some automated dealeo that somehow sells

Yes, you CAN automate it. But you STILL have to craft and
create that sales message BEFORE you automate the delivery
OF the message. Do you get that?

Why don’t more “gurus” tell you the truth: Internet
marketing is all about selling stuff. It’s all about
creating messages that give people reasons to spend their
money and buy stuff?

It cracks me up that people get all pissed off at “gurus”
for selling stuff. What do you THINK they’re going to do?
It’s ALL about sales.

And if your guru doesn’t know how to sell something, you
better find a new guru.

6. Remember that all the real gurus died in World World II

My mentor is Lew Williams. He was personally trained by
one of the greatest old time copywriters Thomas Hall who
Gary Halbert said was also his mentor. I don’t know if
Gary ever met Thomas but I do know he read his direct mail

Lew worked for Thomas and was trained by him. Thomas Hall
sold seminars and consulting for $5,000 and $10,000 way
back in the 50’s or 60’s.

Lew produced the first seminar E. Joseph Cossman ever
spoke at.

Anyway, Lew taught me from day one that all the real gurus
died in World War II. Robert Collier. Claude Hopkins.
Thomas Hall. John Caples.

These were the real gurus. The real teachers. My friend,
they’re all dead and gone. The word “guru” simply means
teacher. We all are a teacher to someone else at some
point in time. That makes us all gurus.

Never put someone else on such a high pedestal that you
think they have some magical powers you don’t. They do ONE
thing better than you do:

Convince other people to give them money. A lot of money.

And this IS a skill you can learn. Yes, there ARE secrets
to it. There ARE tricks. But it’s NOT something you can’t

7. The single biggest secret of online marketing is simply
learning by doing

You learn to sell by selling. You create or craft a sales
message. You find a way to deliver that message to a
target audience.

If they don’t respond, do you cry in your milk, go on
Twitter and bitch at Perry Belcher or whoever your guru
is? Do you go on a forum and proclaim that all the gurus
are lying to you and that Internet marketing doesn’t work?

Do you go on blog posts and complain how you’re broke and
can you please have the next magical product as a freebie?

NO! You simply craft a new what?

Sales message.

And you see if you can find a way to deliver it to a
little more targeted audience. To a greater percentage of
your target buyers.

You can even TALK to your potential buyers and ASK them
about the sales message. Does it communicate to them or

The legendary Gary Halbert used to say that you knew you
had a BAD sales letter if people complimented you on it.

You knew you had a GREAT sales letter if after reading it
to someone they asked how they could buy that product.

Compliments on your blog, sales letters and web sites mean
NOTHING. The ONLY votes that count are sales.

Now, make no mistake. Over the years I HAVE learned new things
and secrets. For example, EVERYONE teaches my 12-step formula
for creating sales messages. But they regurgitate it. They don’t
have the ability to create formulas from scratch.

I’ve created new formulas that make it even faster, simpler and
easier to create sales messages that work.

There ARE new ways to deliver sales messages and putting these in
your arsenal can haul in lots of sales.

There ARE new types of products you can create that have greater
perceived value and are easier to get more bux for.

So this business is dynamic, changing and growing. I was the FIRST
person to create a product on using Amazon Kindle to get business.
And that just KEEPS growing as they innovate new versions.

This is a great and exciting time to be involved in Internet
marketing. Just understand WHAT the Game really is and don’t let
people pull the wool over your eyes and make it something it’s not.

How do you STOP working hard for a living?

You trade products for dollars instead of time. And you get really
good at selling them using automated systems to DELIVER your well-
crafted sales message.

Years ago the late, great Joe Karbo wrote: The wisest man I ever
met told me something I’ll never forget. Most people are too busy
earning a living to make any money.

I hope you don’t wait too long to discover how true that is. And
how to escape the TRAP and get on the path to freedom. I don’t
consider myself a guru but a guide to light the path and show the

If we see clearly, it is because we stand on the shoulders of the
true gurus. Giants like E. Joseph Cossman, Jerry Buchanan, Thomas
Hall, Gary Halbert, Robert Collier, Dean Dax Duvall, Harvey Brody
and many others I don’t have time to mention. There are even
people like Sheila Danzig and Michael Enlow not to mention Corey
Rudl that we owe more to than almost anyone knows. I’d add my pal
in there Jonathan Mizel who wrote the first newsletter in print
about online marketing.

If we see clearly today….

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.”

To get on his killer ezine list, to get cheat sheets and all kinds
of other goodies every Saturday and during the week, to get simple,
to-the-point Internet marketing know that works real world without
all the hype, go to: and subscribe

Check out all my products here:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Power to Influence

This is a very cool video on "the power to influence." I watched it twice and decided it was worth sharing - hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mostly Bad News

This just in from Dan Levy in Bloomberg's - "Foreclosure filings in the U.S. rose to a record for the second consecutive month in April as banks increased efforts to seize homes from delinquent borrowers."

He also reported US foreclosures were up in April 32% over April of last year.

In spite of all that, our market is seeing some increases in listings and sales and some stabilization of prices in residential real estate in most areas in Utah County.

One thing I've noticed is that a lot of the bad news I read and hear is national in scope and very often does not apply at all or only slightly to our local market. I've also noticed quite an upswing in network marketing as more and more people are striving to supplement their income by owning their own business.

There are excellent opportunities available for people who want to work and understand that working for themselves is preferable to working for someone else. There are links to the right on this page if you are in the market for such an opportunity. Don't be afraid to investigate, ask lots of questions and do a thorough examination before getting involved.

Look for training and leadership as two of the most important ingredients to building your own business.

Friday, May 1, 2009

In the News - from USA-ALL

April, 30 2009
For Immediate Release
Tara Hendershott, 202-224-5444, Washington DC 20510

Provo, Utah - 5/01/2009 - .
Its fair to say we have been very critical of Senator Bennett for his involvement in a Wilderness bill in southern Utah that was a slap in the face of most of our members. But we are as eager to praise Senator Bennett when he does positive things for the community as well. We still are concerned about him and other members of Utah's congressional delegation. We will keep a close eye on them and report the good, bad, and ugly. In this case we are happy to report the good.

Thank you Senator Bennett for using your influence for the benefit of the citizens of Utah. We hope to see more beneficial action from you on these issues.

The following is a release from Senator Bennett's office. Good Job Senator!

CONTACT: Tara Hendershott, 202-224-5444, Washington DC 20510

APRIL 30, 2009


Requests clarification on administration's position on Utah

Wilderness Settlement

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) today delayed the confirmation of Hilary Tompkins, the Department of the Interior's (DOI) solicitor nominee, and has requested clarification from Secretary Salazar on the administration's position on the Utah Wilderness Settlement Agreement, which confirms that DOI has no authority to create new wilderness study areas.

"I need to better understand the legal opinions and direction of who will be the department's chief legal officer and the answers provided just don't cut it," said Bennett in a Senate Energy Committee mark-up today.

Bennett added that he was frustrated with the nomination process and the lack of substantive answers to the questions he has asked the nominees and the department. In a committee hearing last week, Bennett submitted questions to Tompkins asking her to explain her position on the Utah Wilderness Settlement, but he did not receive specific answers.

Bennett sent Secretary Salazar a letter today requesting the administration respond to the questions originally submitted to the solicitor-designate to clarify the department's current position on the settlement agreement and whether or not that position will change.

"As part of this anti-energy, anti-drilling movement, certain members of the environmental community are working to undermine the certainty we have in Utah and the West regarding wilderness study areas," added Bennett. "I need to understand whether Secretary Salazar is going to be a willing participant in such actions. I need specific information from the administration, not just promises to study the issue further. These groups who are anti-energy would like nothing more than to see this settlement go away, and I hope the secretary will not violate the agreement between the United States and the state of Utah."

Bennett said he would place a hold on the nomination of Tompkins until he is satisfied that he has an understanding of the department's position on the wilderness agreement.

Tara Hendershott
Press Secretary
U.S. Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah)

I Buzz Pro

I have been having some fun this week with a tool called IBuzzPro. It is a voice broadcasting system that can make thousands of phone calls per hour. I was introduced to the system last week and have done a couple of experimental broadcasts learning how the system works and have over 20 leads so far.

The main reason I decided to try IBuzzPro was to get interested prospects coming to me instead of trying to find them. There are a lot of ways to accomplish this by using Web 2.0 - Twitter, Myspace, YouTube, FaceBook, and LinkedIn are just a few of the tools available to each of us. I have been using a few of these tools for a short time now and have had some success.

I have about 4000 followers on Twitter ( I have had a number of comments on my videos on my YouTube channel (OutlawXJ). I have enjoyed the learning process although it has been somewhat time consuming but I have enjoyed the journey.

More on all of this later.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Being Congruent

Check out this interesting answer on Yedda

Yedda – People. Sharing. Knowledge.Being “congruent”

   Sure, the idea of being "congruent" when you communicate simply means to have ALL LEVELS of your communication be "in alignment" with each other and "saying the same thing".

   If you're asking a woman for her number, but you're looking around nervously and hesitating, it's not "congruent".

   On the other hand, if you're saying "Write down your email and number for me" while taking out a pen and paper... as if it's the 147th time that you've done it, it's CONGRUENT.

   Most people don't realize that they're sending MIXED MESSAGES all the time.

   Have you ever asked someone "What's wrong?" and had them say "NOTHING'S WRONG! Why does everyone keep asking me what's wrong?".

   That's a mixed message. And it's not congruent.

   You want to “line up” ALL of your communication.

   Your body language, voice tone, words, etc.

   All of the different specific body language, voice tone, and gestures that I recommend in my programs have a single goal in mind: To help you be 100% CONGRUENT when you are communicating with women.

  The more congruent you are, and the more you use the techniques that I'm teaching, the better your responses from women will become.

Topics:  ,

Answered by David DeAngelo on December 16, 2006

View the entire discussion on YeddaYedda – People. Sharing. Knowledge.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Goal Setting - Part 3

We all know the tradition. When January 31st rolls around, everyone decides that THIS year will be the year that they stick to their resolutions. Whether it’s to finally win the battle against weight gain, go back to school and earn that degree or finally quit that boring 9-5 job, we’re all guilty of setting these life-changing goals, only to give them up by the time February 1st shows up on the calendars.

However, you don’t need to wait until New Year’s Eve in order to set the kind of goals that can change your life forever; in fact, while you’re reading this article, you can make the conscious choice to make a change now. We’ve got the best tips and techniques on how you can stick to your goals, no matter how challenging they may seem – so by the time New Years comes around again, you’ll already have achieved your previous resolutions!

Plan Out Your Goals. No one sets their resolutions with the expectation that they’re going to fail; if that was the case, why bother setting a goal at all? However, many people fail to plan out exactly what they intend to do to achieve their goals. Set aside time to really devote yourself to your desired goals: what are you willing to do to achieve them? What changes are you going to have to make? What will you do each week, day or month in order to reach your goals?

Make Sure It’s What You Really Want. Many people want to lose extra weight or earn buckets of money; however, these aren’t realistic goals, but rather normal fantasies that the average person dreams about. For some, the desire to lose weight or make more money isn’t strong enough to actually warrant any action. Make sure that you really want your goal before devoting time to planning for it. If you’re not invested in reaching your goal, you’ll give up faster than you can say “Happy New Year”.

Be Held Accountable. Want a surefire way to make sure that you stick to your goals? Tell a friend or a loved one about your goal and enlist their support to help you achieve it. For example, if you want to attend the gym three times a week, have a friend go with you for that extra boost. If you know that other people are keeping track of you, you’ll be more likely to stick to your plan and attain that goal!

Give Yourself Rewards. Positive reinforcement is often one of the most powerful motivational tools that you can use to achieve your goal. If you want to lose five pounds, give yourself a small treat for every pound that you lose. Buy a great new outfit or treat yourself to a movie; whatever the reward may be, it will give you an extra motivational boost in reaching your desired goal.

Sticking to your goals doesn’t have to be difficult; in fact, if you use these tips and tricks, you’ll find it incredibly simple to achieve your desired goal, no matter what it may be. So don’t wait until New Year’s Eve to set those life-changing resolutions – make the decision to start down the path towards your dream goals right now!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Goal Setting - Part 2

This is an article I published in

The Key To Successful Goal Setting Is To Be S.M.A.R.T.

It seems like the first thing anyone will tell you about being successful is to focus on successful goal setting. But when you’re not exactly sure what kind of goals you should be setting, it can be a challenge to know what you need in order to succeed in both your professional and personal life. Sure, it’d be nice to tell yourself that you’ll become extremely wealthy, retire early from your job and then travel the world; after all, many people are successful because they dream big! But these kinds of goals will psychologically set you up for failure, because – at first - they can’t be realistically attained, which will make you feel like an absolute failure. So where should you begin to avoid this pitfall? The key is to think S.M.A.R.T:

Specific – Goals that are specific are much more productive that general goals, as they give you a concrete direction in which to take your personal and professional life. For example, if you want to earn $100,000 in sales during your first year of opening that small business you’ve always dreamed about, you’d have a better chance at success by setting up tangible ways to get there – such as developing effective marketing schemes or expanding your clientele base – as opposed to just expecting to make that money.

Measurable – Whether you’re setting a goal to lose those last few pounds or get that promotion at work, you’re going to need those goals to be measurable. So what does it mean to set measurable goals? Simple: a measurable goal is one that can be tracked throughout your progress. For example, by setting a measurable goal of losing five pounds within a month, you can keep track each week of the progress you’re making towards the fulfillment of your desired outcome.

Attainable – In order to succeed, you’ll need to be able to establish goals that you can realistically reach. When you reach these goals, your confidence and self-image will flourish, which in term will have a direct impact on your own professional and personal life.

Realistic – This is similar to attainable goals. For example, if you’re a small business owner, a realistic goal might be to expand your staff, increase profits by 25%, or simply gain new clients. However, an unrealistic goal might be expecting to earn several millions of dollars in your first year of operation. Dream big, but be reasonable - this is an easy way to set yourself up for failure!

Timely – A time frame will tie in all of these factors together, and make it easier to track the progress of your goals. Don’t use “someday” for a time line; instead, set concrete deadlines, such as “By December 1st, I will save up $600 towards my dream trip to Australia”. See how motivating this can be?

In the end, only you will know what kind of goals you’ll need to set in order to succeed. But if you get stuck trying to come up with goals that make sense for you, just remember to think S.M.A.R.T!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Goal Setting

We've all been at a point in our lives where setting realistic and attainable goals has been absolutely vital to reaching a desired outcome. Whether you're looking to make a change in your professional or personal life, successful goal setting is all about identifying your key strengths and using them to your advantage. However, unless you've got a knack for effective goal setting, everyone could use a refresher course on how to develop and implement a smart and effective system that keeps you and your goals directly in the driver's seat. No matter how big your goal is or how long it will take to reach it, you'll need these four secrets to help you create the ultimate plan that will see you finally reaching your goals:

Write Them Down. Goals are easy to ignore if they're cluttered in the back of your mind along with your grocery shopping list and looming office deadlines. However, once you write your goals down, you'll continually be reminded of your commitment towards achieving them. Many people need the daily motivation that a simple reminder can provide; take advantage of this small step that reaps significant outcomes.

Practice Makes Perfect. You've probably heard this expression about a million times, but it still rings true, even when it comes to successful goal-setting: the more goals you set and reach, the more likely it is that you'll achieve any long-term goals. Balance out any long-term goals with a few short-term ones; this will help you practice effective goal setting, which will be a useful skill you can use in both your professional and personal life. Additionally, reaching short-term goals can provide a much-needed ego boost that long-term goals rarely provide.

Make Your Goals Realistic. Sure, we'd all like to be famous rock stars or earn millions of dollars a year; but unless you're the best guitar player the world has ever seen or have an innovative business idea, these goals are unlikely to be accomplished. Experts agree that unrealistic goals only encourage feelings of failure and discouragement, which is detrimental to any goals that you may consider setting in the future. Instead, make sure that your goals are realistic and attainable. Don't forget to set up a realistic time frame for accomplishing your desired goals - this will help you stay on track while keeping yourself accountable.

Give Yourself Rewards. The sense of accomplishment you'll achieve when you finally reach your goal is a great reward; yet what about the milestones that you reach along the way? Reward yourself for making such great progress; for example, if you're looking to land yourself a promotion at work, treat yourself to a massage after a week of late nights in the office. You'll burn out less quickly - and that's crucial when attempting to achieve a long-term goal!

It's no secret that effective goal setting is the key to reaching both professional and personal dreams - and these four strategies are crucial to the success of any goals that you may have for your own life. So what are you waiting for? It's time to finally achieve those goals you've always desired to reach!

This is the first in a series of 3 articles about setting goals and changing your life. You can set and achieve your goals and change your life forever by following a few simple steps.

Article Source:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Something about marketing

Do you have a local "brick and mortar" business without a website or with a website that generates little or no business? If you answered YES to this question - read on.

LocalAdLink could be just what the doctor ordered. Why be committed to advertising that you can only change once a week or once a month or once a year? Wouldn't you rather have advertising where you have the control and can change it as often as you wish?

Here is what you could be doing with a small portion of your advertising dollar. You could be reaching out to hundreds or thousands of LOCAL consumers who are looking for your products or services. This is done through geo-targeting which uses zip codes so you reach the people you are trying to reach.

You could have an internet presence even if you don't have a website. This happens because your ad becomes a mini-website and if you do have a website, you can promote it with your ad. This gives you an additional and very effective means to drive traffic to your site - both online site and physical site.

You could have an ad that you have complete and practically instant control over. This happens because once your ad is in the system, you have back office access when pretty much any and all changes take place in real time. That means if you wake up tomorrow morning and want to try a new coupon, it will be in the system as quickly as you create the coupon and put it in your ad. No more waiting days or weeks or months for changes or revisions.

You could not only advertise to your local zip codes but if you happened to have a product or service you wanted to advertise in a different area because of the season or whatever, you can do it and make it happen right now. This is done again through your back office access to your ad where you can input individual zip codes of your choosing and change them as often as you like.

One of the great things about this system is not having to sign a long term contract. You can simply participate month to month, although you can get significant discounts if you do 3 months, 6 months or 12 months at a time. The ads range from $50 to $250 depending on some choices you have and the the discounts run from 5% to 15% with occasional specials where they might have higher discounts.

It is also possible to get all of your ads at 40% to 50% discount, but that is a whole other article. The best thing to do is ask your LocalAdLink rep about bigger discounts.

One of the exceptional things about LocalAdLink is that it is applicable to virtually any business you can think of - tire store - mortgage company - insurance - furniture - golf - network marketing business - pretty much whatever you can think of where you need to advertise to get customers LocalAdLink could be your tool of choice.

LocalAdLink is a new, simple and inexpensive way for local businesses to advertise on the internet and reach out to local consumers who are likely to visit their place of business. You can use photos, videos and coupons to attract new business to your business. You have complete control over your ad and changes occur in real time once your ad is in the system. New coupons, different zip codes and other changes can happen as often as you wish enabling you to test different segments of your market. Also, in your personal back office you will find a sophisticated tracking system that will let you know where people are finding your ads, where your traffic is coming from, and complete and accurate results of how your advertising is paying off.

To see the platform in your local area go to

Use the search boxes to look up local businesses. Be sure to read the FAQs. You can also access the other tabs to get more information about LocalAdLink.

If you still have questions go to

Here you can find out information about the LocalAdLink business - how it works and how you can get involved if that is what you are looking for.